Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Chef Shea - Article Series

Hi, I am very excited about my newly formed partnership with the Industry Leader in Food Safety--Daymark Safety Systems. My first encounter with Daymark was last year while preparing for the Star Chefs Culinary Congress here in NYC. I was to do a Sous Vide demonstration for attendees utilizing products from major Suppliers that aid in Sous Vide Technology. The name Daymark was brought to my attention, and I remember asking what exactly they represented. I would be using their waterproof labels for my Sous Vide Bags. What a great idea, and to think that I have been using a permanent marker all this time!

Upon finishing my Demo, I chatted briefly with the Daymark People and was very impressed with their enthusiasm toward proper food safety. They had told me that they were coming to CRU for dinner that evening. After a good few hours, a lot of food and of course a lot of wine, I gave them a tour of my kitchen. I recall them thanking me, and at the same time being worried that my kitchen area was not up to snuff.

It was shortly after their dinner at CRU that I was contacted about the proposal to collaborate with them. I couldn’t have been more flattered. I was like, yes, of course! Since our partnership has formed I have learned a ton of new Food Safety information through our partnership and look forward to a future of exciting new things to come. It has truly amazed me how many items and ideas are usable in a single unit restaurant operation. I had envisioned from the beginning that this company was primarily for the chain restaurant industry, not fine dining. I was wrong about that one.

Right now, I am preparing to attend the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago with and on behalf of Daymark. I will be there signing copies of their new book, True Kitchen Confessions, (that we have collaborated on) as well as discussing and focusing on sous vide cooking and food safety in general. The process of getting the book together was a true course in product development, learning and fun. Daymark has an item for just about each and every task possible that is kitchen related. I mean, you have to give credit where credit is due and this company really has gone the extra step in understanding what the needs of the food industry are from their stand point. I say that with fine dining and chain dining in mind. They are really the first company that I have seen that has realized that corporate and multi-unit operations are not the only ones that need attention to handling food safely and consistently.

I look forward to a long and information filled relationship with Daymark, the industry leader in food safety.


Anonymous said...

Shea-you mentioned CRU as your restaurant, does it have a website?

Also, do you know the name of the safety book that you worked on with DayMark?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment. Chef Shea is the executive chef and partner for CRU restaurant in NYC. Their website is http://www.cru-nyc.com/ his restaurant features the world's greatest wine list along with matching cuisine.

Chef Shea partnered with us in the new book True Kitchen Confessions. The new book features true stories from a restaurant kitchen along with HACCP codes and regulations.